Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm a butterfly

I wish I was a butterfly. I would be able to fly away when i wanted to. They are soo graceful and pretty. I wish I were one so people could stare and admire me. lol. But anyways, I would not want to be one because they have to be an UGLY caterpillar first. But anyways, they are beautiful.~Jan

A butterfly
a poem by: Jan

If i were a butterfly
I would lift off and fly
Flaunt my colors
Showing no lie
Opening up
Deep inside

Flying away as if I wasn't there
If I wasn't there
It was the butterfly
Showing no lie
Opening up
Deep inside

Deep inside
Down I look
Lookin' like a history book
Can't figure out the fluttering mystery
Looking back at it now
It's all ancient history

Hope u liked
