Sunday, January 27, 2008

A cool new site!

Hi!!!!!! My friends (along with kelly) have made a new site! It's really cool and way fun to look at! It's about doing celebrity makeovers, click here to go to it!


Plus their names are harmony and julia veno.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Quiz!

Hi! This is Jan here finishing up the quiz! Thank you all who participated! Here is what we got!

my Fave movies: umm..I don't know lol

My Fave Sites:,

My Fav Sites:

And more! lol!

My Fav Music: Fergie, Daughtry, Akon, Beyonce, Cierra,!

My fave movies: White Fang, The trial of old drum, Dead Silence, the messengers, disturbia

My favorite sites:

My fave muuusssic:
Fergie, Daughtry, Rascal Flatts, Sara Evans, Soulja boy, 50 cent, and A LOT MORE!


Those are the answers of the question I asked my readers

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So whats going

Ok, hi everyone! What's up. I'm going to do a poll like Hannah from (you would think she's mean but she's really really nice deep down). So yeah. lol. So comment and tell me what your fav movies and sites are. After a few days later, you're comment will be in a post!

My fav Movies: Auquamarine, A cinderella story, Sudney White, The game plan, Ever After , The Golden Compass, just like heaven, 13 going on 30, pixel perfect, the water horse, alvin and the chipmunks.

My fav Sites:,,,,,,,,!

Hope to hear from ya soon!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Bitter Butterfly

It's funny. When I do double dutch with Aubrey, kelly and 3 other friends, she made up bitter butterfly. Because since we weren't swinging high enough aubrey made up the bitter butterfly. Like make your arms high up like a butterfly. And we just added the bitter part just for fun. hehe. well we all love double dutch. so yeah. We always think about the bitter butterfly when we're swinging. So yeah. again. lol.



I love doing tricks. They are so much fun, whether it's snowboarding, sledding, tennis, skating or skiing, I try to make up new tricks! It is soo much fun to do. I just love it. Me and Kelly always go to the ice-rink to practice our tricks. It's just so awsome! Well gotta go, kelly is being demanding and cranky. lol. bye


We r havin a sleepover

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm a butterfly

I wish I was a butterfly. I would be able to fly away when i wanted to. They are soo graceful and pretty. I wish I were one so people could stare and admire me. lol. But anyways, I would not want to be one because they have to be an UGLY caterpillar first. But anyways, they are beautiful.~Jan

A butterfly
a poem by: Jan

If i were a butterfly
I would lift off and fly
Flaunt my colors
Showing no lie
Opening up
Deep inside

Flying away as if I wasn't there
If I wasn't there
It was the butterfly
Showing no lie
Opening up
Deep inside

Deep inside
Down I look
Lookin' like a history book
Can't figure out the fluttering mystery
Looking back at it now
It's all ancient history

Hope u liked


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Webkinz and clubpenguin...

Hey!! Whats up! I hope you like my blogger so far. I'm pretty sure no one could hack me. lolz. sooo. Does any one have a webkinz? I know it's kind of childish, but i got a lot from my siblings and my mom and my dad and my aunts and my uncles. And blah de blah de blahhhh. So in all I have 13. I hate being old. This year i'm turning 14, and aubreys turning the big 13! woooooohoooo. lol. well if anyone has a webkinz and wants to add me, my name is awsomecherry . So yeah. I don't now i aubrey wants me to tell u hers but I will anyway. It's funkymunky78
i think lolz. I also have a club penguin. If you want to be my friend. lol, my cousin has 1 and so doess kelly. Me and aubrey both g on freezer in the united states zone. My name is Vileya and her's is Vita101. So C YA!!


Luv ya. Peace